14 Great Activities For Introverts

Vishesh K.N
5 min readJun 4, 2023


Edpuzzle blog

Being an introvert can seem quite odd to people in general. Some may perceive you as being arrogant, self-centred or anti-social. I get it, I’ve been there too. Sometimes, you might feel that you’re not being understood quite easily and it’s hard for you to communicate with people.

And I assure you that it’s not your fault. Your nature is such that you’re not as expressive as other people are, which is just as fine. However, that is not to say, you should cut communication with people altogether. Of course, you are to make sure that the communication gap is reduced.

While all of these struggles are going on, you might feel a bit off place. You find it difficult to engage with people and be in the same mental space as others. You may feel left out or stuck in this situation forever.

But don’t you worry, there are many activities which you can do that complements your personality:

Explore your imaginative world through reading

Many introverts actually do love reading. I am not quite sure why this is. But in my experience I believe, books are media through which you can express yourself imaginatively.

For instance, by putting yourself in the characters while reading. It allows your imagination and feelings to be expressed in a more covert way.

Apart from that, books are reserve of knowledge. As an introvert, you’re probably very much into discovering new ideas, new philosophy and new ways of exploring life. What could be better than books!

Use your creative skills to craft or draw

By simply sitting alone in your own corner and doing something creative, like crafting or drawing is highly stimulating. It allows you to express the creative skills you have and indulge in something productive.

Every day is a new beginning offering you another opportunity to express your creativity.

Learn how to code

Coding can be a great activity, especially for introverts. Nowadays, you can find practically anything on the internet. You have great courses on Udemy, Coursera and FutureLearn from which you can learn a lot about coding (a valuable skill in itself) at very minimal cost.

I have myself done a course on Python and I learnt it so effortlessly at the comfort of my home.


Being an introvert doesn’t necessarily mean lying all day and doing nothing. Far from truth! You can explore activities like hiking which can provide you with the exercise you need and also expose yourself to the stunning panoramic views.

Also, many people have reported a decrease in their stress levels after they went hiking.

Start a Blog

As an introvert, you probably love writing. Why not use that to your advantage?

I know many of you would be like I don’t want to become a public figure, I just want to keep a low profile. I totally get it!

With blogging, you can be totally anonymous with your contents. You don’t even have to show your face for people to read your contents.

Also, it is a great way to explore your thoughts meditatively.

Meditation and Yoga

Meditation and Yoga are few of the activities where you can practise at the comfort of your home.

These activities can help lower your anxiety levels, depression and other emotional disorders. They’re also great ways to increase your level of self-awareness and calm your thoughts down.


Being an introvert, there are many things you would like to change about yourself, that was my case too. Though I was very shy and reserved, I wanted to feel comfortable around people even if I didn’t want to be.

So, I had to work on myself to feel at ease in other’s company. Likewise, there might be so many things you would like to improve about yourself. Why not use this opportunity to transform yourself into the person you’ve always wanted to be.


Nowadays, we hardly have time for ourselves let alone gardening. But trust me on this, gardening is such a rewarding exercise.

You can grow your favourite flowers or your own fruits and vegetables. On one hand it’ll help you connect with nature and on the other hand, it’ll cut down cost on groceries as well which can be a plus point.

Learn a skill

I believe we should all be learning atleast one new skill every year or so. Introverts are especially very gifted when it concerns concentration and quick learning.

Learning a skill wouldn’t be difficult for you. It’ll just add up to your already beautiful personality.

Try finding out what really drives you in life and you’ll be surprised at how you excel in these things.

Start to learn a new language

In this globalised world, surviving solely on one language is not practical. Being an introvert, you are capable of learning fast and efficiently. Use it to learn another language. It’ll not only be an add on to your CV and but also your personality.

Immerse yourself in the serenity of the beach

Every now and then when I feel tired and exhausted from my routine, I just go to the beach and sit there quietly enjoying the calm breeze and the waves of the beach. The experience is so peaceful and surreal.

I would definitely recommend this to anyone.

Go for a solo long drive

Solo long drives are the things that you would definitely like. It provides you with so many opportunities to explore many different places while being in your own “introvert” skin.

I have learnt so much going out on solo long drives. Exploring different places, cuisines, restaurants. I just love it.

Have a daily spiritual practice

Spiritual practice is a necessity in today’s world. Everything is so stressful and chaotic at times, that you need to find solace in something. Spirituality is that eternal bliss from which you can derive the happiness and tranquillity you’ve always wanted.

Enjoy your own company

I know this might come easily to many of you but you should be able to love your own company. Often times, too much interaction with people drain your energy. You need time with yourself to recharge.

The best way you self-express is when you’re alone. Correct me, if I’m wrong!

Let me assure you that there’s so much you can be when you’re an introvert. These are the few things that have helped me and I hope you can benefit too.



Vishesh K.N

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